Don’t forget to volunteer and keep track of your service hours for the Incentive Fund!


TQHA points are earned by members who turn in a completed Membership Application and Competition Card and follow the Association show rules. 

2025 Officers

  • Madeline Parr, President

  • Jeremy Martin, Vice President

  • Rebekah Brown LaFrenier, Secretary

Congress Queen

Each year, two young women from TQHA may be chosen as candidates for the Congress Queen Contest: one will become the TQHA Queen, and the other will become the TAQHA Queen. A First Runner Up may also be chosen to represent TQHA or TAQHA in the event that a Queen becomes unable to fulfill the duties of her office.

The TQHA Congress Queen competition is for women, ages 18-25 (as of January 1 of the current year). Eligible contestants cannot married, divorced or a parent. Queen Candidates must be current members of TQHA in good standing, and must have held their membership for a minimum of one year.  

Guidelines Application

Incentive Fund

The Amateur Association offers those who are involved in TQHA an Incentive Fund to assist with expenses for those who complete six hours of service during the year. See the forms below for details and a service log.

Amateur Incentive Fund Guidelines

  • Total annual fund allotment: $4,000

  • Membership Requirement: a TQHA Competitive Membership renewal, by September 1

  • Volunteer Hours Requirement: 6 hours of volunteer work at any of the following: TQHA or TQHA Region Horse Show, TQHA Special or Fundraising Event, or hours spent on a TQHA or TQHA Region Show Committee. Hours must be served by September 30.

  • Award Amounts: $200 cap on individuals who qualified via hours served “only”; to be distributed as a voucher good for any expenses at TQHA points shows within the next calendar year after distribution; $400 cap on individuals who served 6 hours; plus got world show qualified and entered at least one horse (this horse does not have to be the same horse as the one listed on the TQHA Comp Card); to be distributed as cash/check.

  • Vouchers are non-transferable; must be used by the individual who received it.

  • A world show is considered to be any AQHA World Championship (Nutrena AQHA, Adequan Select, or VRH); and no distinction will be made between qualifying/entering an open or amateur class (both count)

  • Application to the Amateur Incentive Fund should be made by December 15.

  • It shall be the responsibility of the current Amateur President to collect and approve Incentive Fund applications; and to oversee the distribution of the fund.


By-laws are determined each year at the annual TQHA Convention.